Fostering Your Inner Creative

When was the last time you felt creative? Is it as far back to when you were a child and fear and expectations didn’t hold you back? There is a courage and a bravery to being creative because it can be such a vulnerable position. Sadly, as we age we tend to either purposefully or subconsciously shy away from exposing ourselves in such a way. Excuses like ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘I’m not good enough’ are no- longer acceptable after you read this article however. Why, because you will understand how important creativity is to self-development and being good at something before you even start is not the point of being creative! Being creative is about enhancing your overall happiness. In fact studies have shown that creative behaviour can increase a person’s overall wellbeing the next day!3 Stop thinking of creativity as being restricted to the ‘arts’, science and mathematics can be a form of creative expression, so can cooking, building or gardening. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo is the perfect example of an unconventional form of creativity. Anything that makes you think outside the box, problem solve or see the world differently is a form of creative expression.

The trick to getting back in touch with your inner creative is to find something you can enjoy and that is not another chore in your schedule.

  1. Take a guided class or join a group so you do not need to do any extra planning or thinking in advanced. This could be a cooking class, drawing, welding, learning a new language, studying in a new field, or taking up a sport.
  2. Remember that your attempts to be original are actually a form of self-editing that prevents you from staying in a creative headspace. As does the belief that you need to be good at it before you even start. Bring a friend along so you can laugh together at how hopeless you may be to begin with.
  3. Research has shown that people are more creative when the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is activated.4 This is the system that helps the body recover from stress and explains why you have some of your best ideas when you let your mind relax and wander. Simple ways to activate your PNS is to listen to music with seventy beats per minute like Bach or Mozart, swim or shower in cold water, and to slow down your breathing. If you need a little extra help Regul8®’s Relax is a fantastic natural supplement that helps relieve symptoms of stress as well as support cognitive function in a healthy person. Creative activities allow you to develop your own ideas and builds a a self trust as well as a greater sense of value. Take the first steps towards a more confident, relaxed, and joyful you by releasing your inner creative!



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