I was interested in taking Regul8 as I always felt bloated and was not going to the toilet regularly. It was not uncommon for me to go 3 days without going.
My diet in general was pretty good but I still couldn’t seem to shift the weight from around my stomach. I was advised whilst taking Regul8 to limit sugar, wheat and dairy so I was mindful of this but it was not a huge change to my diet.
I took 2 boxes of Regul8 and it was during the 2nd course that I started to notice a difference. I started going to the toilet regularly every day, I didn’t feel as bloated and I felt good!
I know the photos aren’t very consistent but I promise you that it is the same dress that I am trying on and no I am not pregnant in the before shot. Although the scales showed I had lost some weight, it was when I tried this dress on that I could see how much my bloating had reduced. I was so happy!
It is a month now since I finished taking the Regul8. The bloating has not returned and I still continue to go to the toilet every day. I have gone down a dress size, lost 3cm around my waist and I continue to stay on the Maintain for good gut health. I have now even got my Mum and Dad taking Regul8.
I would recommend Regul8 to EVERYONE!
"I was interested in taking Regul8 as I always felt bloated and was not going to the toilet regularly. It was not uncommon for me to go 3 days without going. My diet in general was pretty good but I still couldn’t seem to shift the weight from around my stomach.
I took 2 boxes of Regul8™ and … I started to notice a difference. I started going to the toilet regularly every day, I didn’t feel as bloated and I felt good! Although the scales showed I had lost some weight, it was when I tried this dress on that I could see how much my bloating had reduced. I was so happy!
It is a month now since I finished taking the Regul8 Digestive Tune-Up. The bloating has not returned and I still continue to go to the toilet every day. I have gone down a dress size, lost 3cm around my waist and I continue to stay on the Maintain for good gut health. I have now even got my Mum and Dad taking Regul8.
I would recommend Regul8 to EVERYONE!”
#transformationstory #regul8health #gethealthy #healthiswealth #digestivehealth #guthealth #2018goals #regul8andfeelgreat #regul8transformations #beforeandafter